Welcome to Middletown, Maryland

Welcome to the official website of Middletown, Maryland, A Main Street Community. Whether you are a long-time resident, business owner, or new to our area, we welcome you to our community. We hope that you find the website informative and user-friendly. Our website is designed to help you understand our services, foster a sense of community, and provide timely information to our citizens. Please visit regularly for updates on the latest news and activities!

News & Announcements

Trash Pickup

Trash pickup will occur as regularly scheduled on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025.

Board of Appeals Public Hearing 25-2

An application for a Special Exception has been received from an applicant for the property located at 101 West Green Street, Middletown, MD.  The applicant has requested a Special Exception for a community center (food bank) in the R-2 Residential District.  The Special Exception may be found in section 17.16.030 and 17.16.010 of the Town Code.

The applicant was referred to the Middletown Board of Appeals (BOA) because only the BOA may grant variances to the Middletown Municipal Code.  The public meeting to hear this variance request will be held on January 30, 2025, at 7:00p.m.

 Click here for more information

Board of Appeals Public Hearing 25-1

An appeal has been received from an applicant located at 103 Prospect Street, Middletown, MD.  The applicant has requested a variance of approximately 85’ from the 100’ side yard requirement and a variance of approximately 13’ from the 40’ front yard requirement for a school.   The yard requirements may be found in section 17.16.060 of the Town Code.

The applicant was referred to the Middletown Board of Appeals (BOA) because only the BOA may grant variances to the Middletown Municipal Code.  The public meeting to hear this variance request will be held on January 30, 2025, at 7:00p.m.

 Click here for more information

Stream Restoration Project on Wiles Branch at the Northern Side of Wiles Branch Park

The Town of Middletown will be performing a stream restoration project on Wiles Branch at the northern side of Wiles Branch Park. The access to Wiles Branch Park off Alternate Route 40 and the walking trail down to the pavilions will be closed to the public from December 9, 2024, to approximately March 15, 2025.

There will be no parking or foot traffic allowed in that area of the park due to the construction activities until March of 2025.

The entrance to Wiles Branch Park from Knoll Side Lane will remain open.