Welcome to Middletown, Maryland

Welcome to the official website of Middletown, Maryland, A Main Street Community. Whether you are a long-time resident, business owner, or new to our area, we welcome you to our community. We hope that you find the website informative and user-friendly. Our website is designed to help you understand our services, foster a sense of community, and provide timely information to our citizens. Please visit regularly for updates on the latest news and activities!

News & Announcements

Middletown Santa Runs 2024

Once again Santa will be making the rounds of local neighborhoods in Middletown.  His parades are scheduled for December 14th,15th & 21st, 2024.  They begin at 5:30pm.  Be on the lookout at your local stops.  Listen for the sirens. The Middletown Volunteer Fire Company will be assisting Santa with his parade. 

Click read more to see where Santa will be on each of those dates.

Stream Restoration Project on Wiles Branch at the Northern Side of Wiles Branch Park

The Town of Middletown will be performing a stream restoration project on Wiles Branch at the northern side of Wiles Branch Park. The access to Wiles Branch Park off Alternate Route 40 and the walking trail down to the pavilions will be closed to the public from December 9, 2024, to approximately March 15, 2025.

There will be no parking or foot traffic allowed in that area of the park due to the construction activities until March of 2025.

The entrance to Wiles Branch Park from Knoll Side Lane will remain open.

Front Yard Fences are Allowed

In 2022 the Town updated their fence ordinance to clarify the type, location and size of fencing that are allowed on residential lots.  Front yard regulations state that fencing in the front yard must be split rail, wrought iron, picket or other transparent fences of a similar nature.  It also states that any fence erected in a front yard shall be placed at least five feet back from the curb line, sidewalk or any proposed sidewalk and/or property line. Front yard fences may only be three (3) feet high, and the Town Code has specific corner lot regulations that can be found in section 17.32.165 Fences. If you have questions about fencing, please contact our Zoning Administrator, Robert Wilkes at zoning@ci.middletown.md.us.

Crosswalk Safety

The Town has received numerous concerns from residents about potential public safety issues at pedestrian crosswalks, particularly those that cross the busy intersections along Main Street.  Recently, we worked with the State Highway Administration - District 7 to install pedestrians-activated flashing yellow lights at the intersections of Main Street and Cone Branch Drive, and at Main Street and North Pointe Terrace, to increase pedestrian visibility and safety at those often-used crosswalks.  For October and National Pedestrian Safety Month, SHA District 7 recently posted a video about our collaboration and the new Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project.  Please click on the link below to view the crosswalk video and for more crosswalk information:
