Water Conservation Public Alert System

The Middletown Water Conservation
Public Alert System


Middletown’s water supply is from ground water sources that are sensitive to drought conditions.  “Droughts are periods of time when natural or managed water systems do not provide enough water to meet established human and environmental uses because of natural shortfalls in precipitation or stream flow.” To keep Middletown residents informed of our drinking water supply status during drought conditions, the Burgess and Commissioners developed the following Public Alert System: 

Public Notification of Code Status:

  • Color coded water drop signs will be hung from a bracket attached to the welcome pillars on both ends of Town when drought conditions are present.
  • The code status will be posted on the town web page and distributed electronically via the web page list serve and via the Town’s alert system. 


Warnings and Fines

Per Section 13.04.010 of the Middletown Code, a violation of the Water Conservation Public Alert System results in one warning and a copy of the Alert System.  Subsequent violations in Code Blue, Yellow, and Orange will receive $100 municipal infraction fine.  Code Red violations will receive a $200 municipal infraction fine and immediate disconnection of water service, however, the fine for filling or topping off private pools is $500 and immediate disconnection of water service.  


CODE BLUE (blue water drop): 

  • Ground water conditions are in the normal range.
  • Per recommended conservation practices, watering of lawns is prohibited between 9am-6pm.  

Critical Factors:  Spring flows range between 60,000 -130,000 gallons per day, and/or water table levels in wells are at normal historical levels, and/or the U.S. Drought Monitor for Frederick County, Maryland indicate a drought condition of NONE or ABNORMALLY DRY.


CODE YELLOW (yellow water drop): 

  • Ground water conditions are decreasing at a rapid rate.
  • Watering of lawns is prohibited.
  • Additional voluntary water conservation is requested. Residents are requested to follow water conservation practices as outlined in “20 Tips to Prevent Water Waste” found on the town’s website.


Critical Factors: Any of the following factors may trigger CODE YELLOW:  The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) issues a drought declaration watch, spring flows range between 43,000-59,000 (gpd), water table levels in wells are below historic levels and dropping, the U.S. Drought Monitor for Frederick County, Maryland indicate a drought condition of MODERATE.


CODE ORANGE (orange water drop):

  • Ground water conditionscontinue to decrease at a rapid rate.
  • Watering of grass is prohibited. This includes athletic and/or playing fields.
  • Washing paved surfaces such as streets, roads, sidewalks, driveways, garages, parking areas, tennis courts, and patios is prohibited.
  • No vehicle washing, including automobiles, trucks, trailers and boats. Except cleaning of emergency vehicles, if necessary, to preserve the proper functioning and safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Golf courses must have a water conservation plan in effect that shows a 10% reduction in usage, even if they do not use town water. No restriction on effluent usage.
  • No flushing of water lines, fire hydrants or distribution equipment.
  • Any additional restrictions the Burgess and Commissioners deem necessary per section 13.04.010.
  • A reduction goal of 10% - 15% of the daily use will be monitored using the water plant distribution meters and evaluating previous non drought year/ month usage in calculating the reduction.
  • **Use of rain barrels and gray water (i.e., used bath water) is permitted and encouraged.


Critical Factors: Any of the following factors may trigger CODE ORANGE: MDE issues a declaration of a drought warning and/or spring flows are below 43,000 gpd and/or the water table levels in wells are far below historic levels and are dropping.  U.S. Drought Monitor for Frederick County, Maryland indicates a drought condition of SEVERE.



CODE RED (red water drop)

  • Ground water conditions are critical.
  • All outside water use of any kind is prohibited except for rain barrels and gray water.
  • Building restrictions and commercial water use restrictions are instituted.
  • Any additional restrictions the Burgess and Commissioners deem necessary per section 13.04.010.
  • A reduction goal of 15% - 20% of the daily use will be monitored using the water plant distribution meters and evaluating previous non drought year/ month usage in calculating the reduction.
  • Private (homeowners) pools and exterior hot tubs may not be filled or topped off.
  • All businesses and residents are required to reduce potable water consumption by 10%.
  • Use of water for the operation of ornamental fountains, artificial waterfalls, misting machines, and reflecting pools is prohibited.
  • Golf courses must have a water conservation plan in effect that shows a 10% reduction in usage, even if they do not use town water. No restriction on effluent usage in accordance with the permit.
  • Connecting to town fire hydrants is prohibited, except for emergency purposes.
  • **Use of rain barrels and gray water (i.e., used bath water) is permitted and encouraged.


Critical Factors: The Governor of Maryland declares a drought emergency by executive order, and/or spring flows are below 29,000 gpd and/or the water table levels in wells are far below historic levels and are dropping.  U.S. Drought Monitor for Frederick County, Maryland indicates a drought condition of EXTREME. The raw water reservoirs cannot be kept full on a daily basis.