Town of Middletown Prescription Drug Disposal Location

The Town of Middletown, in cooperation with the Frederick County Health Department, Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, and the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency, is participating in a prescription drug take back effort. To help provide safe disposal of unused medicine, the Town of Middletown has installed a Prescription Drug Disposal Site at the Middletown Municipal Center located at 31 West Main Street. The drop-off container is located just inside the rear access door from the parking lot. During business hours residents can safely dispose of their expired and/or unwanted household medicines and prescription drugs at this location.


For more information on this topic, please check out the links below

This is a link to the Frederick County Health Department’s Prescription Drug Take Back Effort which contains information about other prescription drug drop-off box locations and prevention materials for parents...


Here is a link to the Frederick County Health Department, Behavioral Health Services page which provides information about County drug prevention and treatment services and County mental health services for children and adults...


Lastly, here is a link to the DEA's "Drug Take Back Day" event website...