Boards, Commissions & Committees

The Town of Middletown has several boards, commissions and committees.  If you are interested in being a member on one (or more), please complete this volunteer application and submit it to, Email Subject Title - Volunteer Application.

Planning Commission

The Middletown Planning Commission is made up of five members appointed by the Burgess with confirmation by the commissioners that serve a five year term. In addition, there is one alternate member and one temporary alternate member who may sit on the commission in absence of any member of the commission. Some of the duties of the Planning Commission include the following: update the town’s Comprehensive Plan (with final approval of the Burgess and Commissioners); promote planning; promote public interest and understanding of the Comprehensive Plan; recommend boundaries of zoning districts and appropriate regulations for districts; implement the Comprehensive Plan; prepare and approve an Annual Planning Report; approve subdivisions, plats and plans.

Ethics Commission

The Middletown Ethics Commission consists of three members, and one alternate, who are appointed by the Burgess and Commissioners each to serve two years or until a successor takes office.  Members develop policies and procedures that the commission will operate under, provide opinions to persons subject to the ethics law, process any complaints alleging violations of the ethics law registered with the committee, and certify that the Town is in compliance with State requirements for elected local officials. Each member of the Ethics Commission must be a resident of the Town of Middletown at all times during their term of office.  Volunteers cannot be members of any other committee with the Town.

Board of Appeals

The Middletown Board of Appeals consists of three members appointed by the Burgess with confirmation by the commissioners. In addition, there is one alternate member who may sit on the board in absence of any member.  The Board of Appeals role is to hear and decide, upon appeal of specific cases, special exceptions authorized in the Zoning Ordinance, and to authorize, upon appeal of specific cases, a variance from the terms of the Town Zoning Ordinance.

Preservation Tax Credit Commission 

The Preservation Tax Credit Commission reviews all applications for commercial tax credits to verify applicants properties are within approved historic districts. 

Sustainability Standing Committee

The Sustainability Committee was established in September 2016 when the former Green Team became a standing committee. It is made up of twelve members who represent town staff, residents and local business owners. Their mission is to conserve Middletown’s shared natural resources, including land, air, water, open spaces, and viewsheds, by working in partnership with the town board, schools, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, businesses and residents, and to sustain natural resources and promote healthy lives for generations to come.  This group is also responsible for and guided by the Maryland standards for sustainability

Public Works Standing Committee 

The Town charter established the Public Works standing committee to assist in providing the Burgess and Commissioners recommendations on issues related to the public works (streets, sidewalks etc.) of the Town. This includes: Responsible for the infrastructure and maintenance of Middletown streets, parks and town-owned buildings and areas. Provides review and recommendation to the Burgess and Commissioners on policy as well as costs and improvements to the infrastructure of the town.

Water & Sewer Standing Committee 

The Town charter established the Water & Sewer standing committee to assist in providing the Burgess and Commissioners recommendations on issues related to water and sewer management within the Town. This includes: Responsible for the policies regarding water development and treatment and sewer capacity and treatment. Provide review and recommendation to the Burgess and Commissioners on water and sewer rates, maintenance of related facilities and upgrades to the water and sewer system.

Parks & Recreation Standing Committee 

The Town charter established the Parks and Recreation standing committee to assist in providing the Burgess and Commissioners recommendations on issues related to parks and recreation within the Town.  This includes: Responsible for the policy and improvements to the Middletown park system. Develops recommendations for submission of Project Open Space monies and recommends amenities to the park system. Monitors the use of parks as well as develops recreational programs for consideration by the Burgess and Commissioners.


Volunteer Committees:

Middletown has many events throughout the year that are enjoyed by all.  The success of these events could not happen without the volunteers that plan, coordinate and run them.  The Town is very fortunate. Listed below are volunteer committees for our special events.

Arts & Activities Committee

Responsible for the Town Memorial Day Celebration & Ice Cream Social, Summer Family Movie Nights, and the Scarecrow Contest.

Christmas in the Valley

Responsible for the Christmas in the Valley Celebration, and Holiday Decorating Contest.

Heritage Days Festival

Responsible for the planning and coordination of the Middletown Heritage Festival.